Благодарим на нашия Platinum спонсор SiteGround

Бихме искали още веднъж да благодарим на нашия Platinum спонсор SiteGround за подкрепата на WordCamp Sofia 2015.

SiteGround has over 10 years in providing premier managed WordPress hosting! Their servers are optimized for ultimate WordPress speed and security, and provide many extras for the WordPress fans – autoupdates for the core and the plugins, SuperCacher for speed acceleration, staging tool and autoinstaller – all crafted by the SiteGround team. They are also involved with the WordPress community by speaking, supporting and attending many WordCamps around the world.

Въпроси след WordCamp Sofia 2015

Благодарим на всички, които дойдоха на WordCamp Sofia.

Надяваме се да сте се забавлявали и да сте научили нови неща, да сте намерили нови приятели.

Създадохме кратко проучване с няколко въпроса, за да разберем по-добре какво ви е харесало и къде бихме могли да направим подобрения.

Проучването съдържа въпроси за вас, организацията, лекциите, храната, комуникацията, партито и controbutor day.

Попълнете въпросника: http://wcsofia2015.polldaddy.com/s/wordcamp-sofia-2015-feedback-bg

Благодарим ви за отеделеното време и ще се радваме да ви видим на WordCamp Sofia 2016!

Екипът на WordCamp Sofia

WordCamp Sofia е днес – какво е важно да знаете


Арена Младост София, зали 11 и 14.

Откриването ще бъде в зала 10, след което ще се разделим на два потока в зала 11 (developer) и зала 14 (user/business).


Регистрацията започва в 8:15 и ви молим да дойдете навреме, за да можем спокойно да започнем в 9. Рано е, но ще има кафе!

Важно! Не е нужно да носите разпечатани билети или каквото и да е, просто кажете името си на нашите доброволци на регистрация.


До Арена Младост можете да стигнете с метро (спирка Бизнес Парк София) и автобус номер 413.

Карта: https://goo.gl/maps/NgG8m9AkExx


Билетът ви за WordCamp Sofia включва безплатен обяд и кафе в две кафе паузи между лекциите. Ще получите ваучер за обяд на регистрация, с който ще можете да си вземете обяд от всяко заведение на етаж 1 в Арена между 12:40 и 14:00 часа на обяд. Попитайте нашите доброволци за допълнителна информация


Афтър партито на WordCamp София ще бъде в бар FlipFlop в събота, 24 октомври, след конференцията. Започваме в 8:30, не забравяйте да донесете баджа си, който ще ви служи за билетче за вход и за да си вземете нещо за пиене безплатно.

Карта: https://goo.gl/maps/CNZ49x3pP4u


На 25 октомври, събота, ви каним на Contributor day в офиса на SiteGround в София. Ако не знаете какво е това, прочетете повече тук и се регистрирайте. Contributor day е вашият шанс да помогнете за развитието на WordPress.

Карта: https://goo.gl/maps/LCBNEWuDskm


Лекциите на всеки WordCamp са само част от преживяването. Най-ценното на WordPress общността са хората, затова не стойте в ъгъла. Вземете максималното от тези два дни – задавайте въпроси, бъдете активни, запознайте се с нови хора, създайте нови приятелства, намерете нови бизнес контакти.

Пожелаваме ви всичко това.

Ние нямаме търпение. Надяваме се и вие.

До утре!
Екипът на WordCamp Sofia

Публикувано в Без категория

Лекторите: Luc Princen

Люк Принсен е симпатичен, усмихнат и дружелюбен програмист от Холандия. Люк е главен разрабочик и основател на Chef du Web, малка WordPress агенция в южна Холандия. Обича технологиите с отворен код, чистия front-end код, барбекю и да играе (големи) стратегически игри.

Поговорихме си с Люк, за да го опознаете малко по-добре преди лекцията му в събота.

Hey Luc, how are you these days! Can you introduce yourself quickly for the Bulgarian WordPress community?

I’m fine, thank you! I’m a WordPress developer and a business-owner from the south of the Netherlands. We do a lot of websites with WordPress, but also applications and campaign websites. I really love contributing to open source projects. I’m mostly a front-end focussed developer, which is where my love for eloquent javascript comes from. I’m maried, have a three year old son who loves to rough-house and watch cartoons and I enjoy an occasional game of Civilization V or Europa Universalis IV. I also like barbecueing and brewing beer.

How did you get involved with WordPress?

My internship, back in 2007, involved some WordPress. I gradually started getting more appreciation for the platform, especially when it introduced custom post types. It really took off when a friend of mine (Patrick Brouwer) released his „Simple Portfolio“ plugin. I went through the code and was like; „I can do this too!“. I released some badly written plugins (which are deprecated by now) and started creating websites in it. Eventually I’ve learned to work around WordPress’ quircks and started oriënting me to tools outside WordPress. I’ve learned a whole lot from this and other communities.
What are the most interesting projects you’ve done with WordPress?
The most interesing projects we’ve done as an agency are mostly our own plugins and open-source toolbelt „Cuisine“. Thats because we got to be in charge of how we wanted to structure and work with things. Most of our websites are driven by our own code, and it’s really challenging to create something that will be usable, semantic and logic for a bunch of developers.
As someone who mostly consideres himself to be a frontender I also really enjoyed creating stuff like auto-saving profile-pages for small health-related businesses which we did completely in javascript using the new REST api.

Can you tell us a bit more about your talk at WordCamp Sofia. Why did you choose this topic?

My talk will be about flexbox. A new and native CSS spec to deal with responsive layouts. Nine months ago we started using flexbox as an agency. It’s currenlty the only way we create themes in our company. Before this we where constantly cursing the grid-frameworks available and there lack of flexibility. Now we love doing responsive themes. It’s a powerful thing when a new technique can make you completely change your company’s workflow. Why I chose this topic is because of my sincere hope that people will start using this technique and will start experiencing the same feeling that we had.

Is it your first time in Sofia? What are your expectations?

Last year I visited your beautiful city because of WordCamp Europe. Sadly, I had a deadline planned for that weekend and we had a lot of stuff to do when I arrived. It actually got so bad that I was coaching our project-manager on some server work while my plane had just landed. I was literally just on the tarmac in Bulgaria when I started working.

This year I’m very much determined to explore and enjoy your beautiful city. I have no deadline due and a (new) server that’s working steadily, so if you have any tips for me, please share! I have some expectations (last year I definitely did notice the beauty of Sofia), but I’m open for anything.


Не пропускайте лекцията на Люк Thinking outside the box (model): WordPress theming with Flexbox е в 11:20 сутринта в събота. Все още можете да си вземете билет за WordCamp София. Ще се видим в Арена Младост. 

Публикувано в Без категория | Маркирано

Благодарим на Nestify за подкрепата като бронзов спонсор!

Изключително сме благодарни на Nestify, които подкрепят WordCamp Sofia 2015 като бронзов спонсор.

Thank you!

Nestify is a high performance hosting provider focused on modern web applications. Our platform makes web applications and websites run upto 1000% faster without code changes. You can Launch WordPress with a few clicks and manage it using Git, secure FTP or Dropbox.

Every application hosted on Nestify is securely delivered from 63 datacenters around the world using CloudFlare’s Railgun technology. This ensures fastest response time, so you can reach your customers without any delay, improve conversions and SEO ranking.

All web applications hosted on Nestify come with a daily one million pageview uptime guarantee.

Елате на парти след WordCamp Sofia!

По традиция след официалния конферентен WordCamp ден, се събираме на по бира (или сокче), за да полеем всичко ново, което сме научили, да се запознаем с още хора и да се забавляваме. 

Каним ви на официалното парти на WordCamp София на 24 октомври, събота, в бар FlipFlop ул. „Оборище“ 61, след 20:30 часа.

Бирата и всичко друго, което ви се пие, е осигурено от нашите чудесни спонсори от Human Made. Носете си конферентния бадж и доброто настроение. 


FlipFlop bar

Оборище 64

Публикувано в Без категория

Представяме ви работилниците по време на WordCamp Sofia Contributor day

WordCamp Sofia Contributor day ще бъде на 25 октомври, неделя, от 11:00 до 18:00 часа в офиса на SiteGround.

Тази година по време на WordCamp Sofia Contributor day ще има и няколко работилници. Освен да научите как да започнете да допринасяте за развитието на WordPress, сме подготвили открити уроци от някои от най-опитните WordPress експерти – Лука Сартони, Константин Данков, Владимир Петков, както и видео конферетно включване от Брайтън на Тами Листър, която ръководи екипа за одобрение и проверка на всички теми в директорията на WordPress.

Ето програмата за Contributor day:

Време Contributor day Конферентна зала 1 Конферентна зала 2
Начало | Start

Очакваме ви!

Публикувано в Без категория

Лекторите: John Blackbourn

Джон живее в средна Англия и е един от най-активните разработчици на ядрото на WordPress. Занимава се с WordPress от повече от 10 години и през 2014-та ръководи една от версиите на софтуера. Джон е и един от старши разработчиците в Human Made, където се занимава основно с enterprise level медийни сайтове. 

Джон ще говори на WordCamp София за първи път и изборът му на тема не е изненадващ – като всеки програмист с много опит в работа с клиенти, Джон знае кои са най-важните умения, които разработчиците трябва да владеят в тази сфера на дейност.

Поговорихме си с Джон, за да ви го представим в малко повече дълбочина, а вие не пропускайте лекцията му “Debugging as a key skill”, в която ще има супер полезни съвети за подходи и инструменти, които да ви направят по-добри програмисти. 

WordPress 4.1 release lead John Blackbourn and 4.3 release lead Konstantin Obenland. Photo: ma.tt

WordPress 4.1 release lead John Blackbourn and 4.3 release lead Konstantin Obenland. Photo: ma.tt

Hey John, how are you these days 🙂 Can you introduce yourself quickly for the Bulgarian WordPress community?

Hey Petya!

Sure. Well, my name’s John Blackbourn and I’m one of the core developers of WordPress. I was the release lead for WordPress 4.1. My day to day involvement includes managing bug reports on the WordPress bug tracker, writing and testing bug fixes and new features, working with the security team on security issues, helping new contributors, and helping lead contributor days at WordCamps.

At my day job I work as a senior developer at Human Made, a WordPress specialist agency here in the UK which is heavily involved in the WordPress community.

How did you get involved with WordPress? 

One day, about 9 years ago, I found a bug in WordPress related to character encoding in category names and reported it. The issue got fixed, but in order to get the fix I had to start using the development version of WordPress. A contributor by the name of Lloyd Budd kindly explained the process, how to get involved with contributing myself, how to submit patches for bugs, etc. It snowballed from there.

What are the most interesting projects you’ve done with WordPress?

One of the most interesting for me was working on a project last year for a large magazine publisher here in the UK that involved migrating 30 separate magazine titles onto one Multisite installation. I helped with the building of an extensible and flexible theme that was used across all of the titles, including a system for managing the appearance and layout of each individual site using the Customizer, while maintaining continuity and allowing features to be shared across all of the titles.

One of the most challenging was working on a project with the Scottish Government’s Education Department to migrate several hundred thousand school blogs (running on WordPress MU from 2009) onto a central and up to date version of WordPress that integrated with the government’s third party authentication platform. The most interesting aspect for me was that kids in the schools were allowed administrator level access to their blogs, and they were encouraged to play with and learn the whole of the system, which is the opposite approach that is often taken with corporate clients who don’t want to risk breaking their websites. It was really refreshing!

John Blackbourn with Andrew Nacin, Otto Wood at WordCamp San Francisco 2014. Photo by ma.tt

John Blackbourn with Andrew Nacin, Otto Wood at WordCamp San Francisco 2014. Photo by ma.tt

What are you doing these days in core?

My focus at the moment is hardening support for WordPress sites that use HTTPS (particularly those that use a mixture of HTTP and HTTPS), and making it easier for users to migrate to HTTPS. I’m also working on improving many aspects of Multisite, fixing issues with internationalisation, improving documentation, and improving low level developer APIs such as those for custom post types and custom taxonomies.

Can you tell us a bit more about your talk at WordCamp Sofia. Why did you choose this topic?

As a developer, writing code is only one part of your work. Often, a large part of your work is finding out why something is not working as expected, or investigating how one piece of code interacts with something else. As we spend so much time debugging code, it makes sense that becoming proficient at debugging code should be as important as becoming proficient at writing it.

I did a 5 minute lightning talk version of this talk at WordCamp London, and several people approached me afterwards and said they’d like to see a full presentation. So I hope that my talk will encourage developers to better understand the various tools that are available for debugging their work.

Thanks John, looking forward to it!

WordCamp София e в събота, 24 октомври, в кино Арена Младост. Ако все още нямате билет, вземете си от тук.

Easyname покдрепя WordCamp Sofia като бронзов спонсор

Кажете заедно с нас „Благодаря“ на Easyname за подкрепата на WordCamp Sofia като бронзов спонсор!


Easyname is one of the oldest webhosting and domain providers in Europe. We offer high performance webhosting and reliable domain registration services for over 400 differen top level domains. Our real time Ajax Domain Check is second to none.

Лекторите: Noel Tock

Ако сте били на WordCamp София 2013 или на WordCamp Europe 2014, сигурно сте се сблъскали поне веднъж с Ноел – гледали сте лекциите му, говорили сте си с него в почивките или сте си казвали “Наздраве” с джин и тоник – неговото обичайно питие.

Ноел е от Швейцария, но от почти две години е от племето на дигиталните номади – хората, които обикалят света и правят бизнес едновременно. Той е дизайнер по професия, но страстта му са уеб продуктите. В момента ръководи всички продукти в Human Made, с основен фокус върху Happytables – SaaS, насочен към ресторанти и малки заведения.

Ноел обожава София и лекцията му дойде 5 минути след като обявихме call for speakers. За какво ще говори и малко повече за това какви ги върши напоследък ще ви каже самия той.

Интервюто е на английски, както ще бъде и лекцията му на 24 октомври от 11:20 в Зала 14.

Noel talking product vision with the bloggers of United Influencers. Photo by Frederik Guttormsen

Hey Noel! How’s it going! Can you introduce yourself to our readers quickly?

I’m a Swiss digital nomad and partner at Human Made. My passion is in building products online and solving real problems. This is my third time back to Sofia, last time I even stayed for a month because I really enjoy the city and more importantly, the people that are inside of it 🙂 Looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.

What is the most interesting WordPress project you’ve been involved with recently?

Always a lot going on, but most recently I’ve been inspired by the nomadic and remote working community. Joe & I decided to kick-off Nomadbase which is a real-time map of digital nomads (using their latest check-in across; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & Swarm). It uses React JS and the WordPress REST API. The tech stack is the future of WordPress.

How did you get into WordPress?

Was a while back. Was trying to create a website solution for restaurants, ended up using WordPress and making my first money using it by selling themes.

You came to WCSof in 2013, what made you come back this year?

10:00 Memento
12:00 Made in Home
16:00 Nargile (Наргиле) playing Cards against Humanity
22:00 Mixtape 5 / Kanaal / Flip Flop
04:00 Mimas (Мимас)
04:05 Walking home with new dog friends.

Who can complain with a daily schedule like that?

Tell us a bit about your talk „Web Publishing in 2016“. Why did you choose that subject?

One of the companies we’ve worked with has been United Influencers, a Scandinavian blogging platform that amongst others also has Zlatan & Messi. With well over 10 million pageviews, I’ve taken a big interest into content strategy and publishing as a whole. It’s changing a lot more than I had initially thought so it’s becoming a very important topic to talk about.

What would you say to someone who’s not been to a WordCamp before?

What’s not to say; regardless of skill or experience, you’ll feel welcome and meet many like-minded people. Just extend your hand and “Say, hi I’m …”. The rest is history.


WordCamp София e в събота, 24 октомври, в кино Арена Младост. Ако все още нямате билет, вземете си от тук.