Лекторите: Лусиян Благонич | #WCSof speakers: Lucijan Blagonic

Представяме ви следващия лектор от програмата на WordCamp Sofia 2016 – хърватският дизайнер и разработчик Лусиян Благонич.

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Lucijan has 12 years of experience working on the web, including planning, prototyping, designing and coding standards–compliant — semantic websites and interfaces. He is a strong advocate of responsive design, building mobile–first interfaces with usability and accessibility in mind. When working on bigger projects, he prefers to build a modular design system which enables developers and clients to think of design elements as stand–alone blocks and build new pages and scenarios with ease.

WordCamp Sofia е на 22 октовмри в кино Арена Младост. Билети

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