Андрей Тепешанов

Андрей Тепешанов

My name is Andrey Tepeshanov and I am heading the Sales Department at DevriX. Developing growth strategies and implementing them from concept to reality with the help of my team has been a passion of mine for the last six years.

Before joining DevriX I had the opportunity to learn how to grow a business venture and drive additional value to my clients from the leading corporate ninjas in the country. My first tenure was at CBRE – the global leader in commercial real estate consultancy. There I learned what it means to be passionate about increasing revenue for the client. I had the opportunity to manage teams that were tasked with the management of “Blue Chip” investment portfolios in various asset classes and the attraction of foreign investors on the local market.

My next big lessons were learned in Lufthansa Technik, part of Lufthansa Group. I was tasked with the corporate development and strategic management as part of the CEO Office. My time in the company was spend managing complex projects related to the company transformation, cost optimization and expansion of local operations. It was a team effort that taught me the importance of attracting and retaining top talent in my team.

Now as Head of Sales of DevriX I can apply my knowledge and do what makes me smile – help our clients and partners grow.


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