WordCamp Sofia 2017 speakers: Introducing Marina Vassilyovska

Say hi to Marina Vassilyovska – a full-stack marketer with almost 10 years of digital experience. After moving around within the digital marketing field and covering different roles that included SEO, SMM, affiliate and content marketing, she’s currently a part of the creative agency Smarkethink. She’s a huge fan of WordPress and firmly believes that it’s the best project in the history of internet.

How did she find WordPress, what’s the best advice she ever got and does she stay well hydrated? Read this short interview to find out!

Hi Marina, please introduce yourself!
My name is Marina Vassilyovska and I’m from originally Sofia, Bulgaria but considering the past decade of my life, you may say that I’m a digital citizen. 🙂

What’s your specialty?
I’m a digital marketer and WordPress plays a big role in my day-to-day work, since most of our customers build their websites on WordPress. Being a marketer requires that you combine two things that you’d never thought go along – creativity and statistics. I’m a big fan of both things – it’s amazing to have the creative freedom, but in order to get the best of it, you HAVE to adapt it to the data.

How many languages do you speak?
I speak English and Italian (not so well anymore) and obviously Bulgarian (sometimes not so well either).

What was your first encounter with WordPress?
That’s a funny story actually. Back in 2007, a close friend of mine was teaching me how to use Joomla and create a website for myself in order to sell the crafts I was doing at the time. A couple of months later, when the website was ready, he came to me – very excited – and told me “Hey listen, I just found this awesome new platform, it’s call WordPress and it’s really simple to use and cool. You wanna try it?”. My initial reaction was: “Are you crazy?! I just learned how to use this one, I am NOT switching” so he actually had to bribe me in order to even show me the new thing. It then took me another two years before I finally started to use it, because I was so in love with Joomla. Since then though, WordPress has been always my CMS of choice and I suspect it will always be.

What is the best WordPress advice you have ever received?
Don’t go crazy with the plugins. And I get it – users see what amazing things you can achieve through plugins and just keep piling them up – totally understandable. What many people don’t realize is that overuse of plugins will eventually start slowing down the website and also might creates bigger risk of plugin conflict or things not working out properly. I do have my “toolbox” of plugins which I use a lot, but I tend to try and keep the number low.

What is your motivation to speak at WordCamp Sofia 2017?
Honestly, it sounds corny, but I just feel I have enough knowledge now to give back to the community, since many years I have only received from it. I’d love to help out people who struggle with issues related to WordPress and marketing, so if you think I can help you out, find me online and we can talk.

How did you you choose the topic of your talk?
I’m a huge fan of the inbound marketing methodology and after a heated debate with a fellow marketer, I realized there are still many people who aren’t entirely familiar with its real power. So I was thinking of ways to promote this type of marketing and just around that time, the call for speakers for Sofia WordCamp came out. I’ve never participated in conferences as speaker, but I thought to myself that this can be a pretty good place to start.

How much water do you drink a day?
I drink so much water, it’s almost ridiculous. So to balance out, I drink a lot of coffee too.

During her talk on the topic of Inbound Marketing, Marina will share with us main principles and examples of their implementation, as well as tools (including WP-related) that accompany this marketing approach.

Get you WordCamp Sofia 2017 ticket today so you can hear what Marina has to say!

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WordCamp Sofia 2017 speakers: Introducing Preslav Mihaylov

Today we introduce Preslav Mihaylov – a software engineer who likes board games and hookah bars but mostly – sharing knowledge. Preslav’s talk will focus on productivity – a topic that’s important for, well, everyone we know – but before that, let’s get to know him a tad better!

WCSOF Speakers: Preslav Mihaylov

Hey Preslav, could you tell us a few words about yourself?
My name is Preslav Mihaylov. I was born in a small town in northern Bulgaria called Belene. I have spent most of my life in Svishtov where I went to high school, and Sofia.

What’s your specialty?
I write software which drives a bunch of R2D2 kind of robots in my company’s warehouses – Ocado Technology. I am also passionate about sharing my knowledge with aspiring developers in Software University, Sofia and via my blog.

How many languages do you speak?
2.01: Bulgarian and English, learnt mostly by watching Cartoon Network as a child. I also know a tiny fraction of German as I have studied it in high school.

What was your first encounter with WordPress?
It was back in 2014, when I made my first attempt of creating a personal blog. That was also when I first realized that delivering high-quality content requires time and commitment.

What is the best WordPress advice you have ever received?
Creating your own WordPress blog can be one of the best investments in your life.

What is your motivation to speak at WordCamp Sofia 2017?
I believe that in order to become a master in your craft, you have to surround yourself with other craftsmen. WordCamp Sofia brings together great professionals and people who love what they do. I want to contribute to this community of bloggers, artists and developers by showing you how to become a more productive person in your craft, and in your life.

How did you you choose the topic of your talk?
When I first started writing software professionally, I was committed to working on my tasks without a break. When I got my first task, I worked on it from 9 to 6 and I continued working on it from home afterwards. And yet, I felt I wasn’t performing to my fullest potential. Slowly, I realized that coding from start to finish is not the best approach to optimal productivity. There is a way you can work less and deliver more.
At WordCamp Sofia 2017 I will show you the principles and techniques for delivering optimal performance of „The Productive Developer“.

Check Preslav’s teaser video and get your ticket for WordCamp Sofia 2017 now to hear his whole talk live at the event!

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Sign up for a free workshop: Intro to building WordPress themes

It’s with great pleasure that we’d like to announce several free workshops that will happen during WordCamp Sofia Contributor day on November 12th.

Intro to building WordPress themes is a 3-hour free workshop with Croatian designer and developer Emanuel Blagonic. The workshop is for beginners and aims to give you an introduction to creating beautiful design templates for WordPress websites. You need to be a WordCamp Sofia attendee to attend the workshop! The workshop capacity is limited to 20 people, so we strongly encourage you to sign up soon.

About the workshop

Instructor: Emanuel Blagonic, founder, and designer at Croatia’s leading WordPress agency Blagonic Brothers and organizer of WordCamp Croatia
Suitable for: Students from age 14+ with more than basic understanding of HTML and PHP
Capacity: 20 people
Duration: 3 hours
Bring along: A laptop with a preinstalled Mamp – a local server package, and WordPress.
Get a free ticket: https://2017.sofia.wordcamp.org/tickets

What you will learn

  • What every WordPress theme has to have
  • How to organize files and directories
  • Understanding WordPress templates and template hierarchy
  • What is WordPress loop and how to work with custom queries
  • How to create basic templates to show your pages, posts, and homepage
  • How to supercharge your theme by adding support for plugins like ACF

Where and when

  • Sunday, November 12th, 2017
  • SoftUni, Sofia
    Address: 15-17 Tintiava str, fl 1, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria
  • Start: 11am

About the instructor

Emanuel Blagonic has more than 13 years of experience and more than 500 different projects with worldwide clients on his back. From designing websites to designing touch–screen applications, he worked with small and big clients, startups and global projects. Although primarily a designer, he’s been in love with WordPress for the past 10 years, being one of the biggest promoters in Croatia – writing articles about WordPress that are not only promoting WordPress but open source as well. He helped organize the first WordCamp Croatia and organizes WordPress Meetup Zagreb with his brother Lucijan.

As one of the pioneers of the web standards movement in Croatia, he is active in the community where he works on building a better understanding of design process and educates clients as much as possible. Can be found on Twitter as @eblagonic.

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WordCamp Sofia обявява детска работилница за програмиране и работа с WordPress

Днес децата и технологиите са най-добри приятели и много деца надминават родителите си в технологично отношение още преди да тръгнат на училище. Една от основните цели на WordPress е да даде глас на всеки, който има интересни истории за споделяне, независимо от възрастта.

Детска WordPress работилница в Белград

На 3 септември, като част от WordCamp Varna 2017, екип от ентусиасти организира безплатна работилница за деца, в която им помогнахме да създадат свой собствен сайт на WordPress. Работилницата мина чудесно и същият екип пренася опита от Варна в София и на 12 ноември ще проведе детска работилница за програмиране и работа с WordPress. За WordCamp Sofia 2017 решихме да разширим проекта „Детска работилница“ и да добавим още един модул към него. Така на 12 ноември децата, които се запишат, ще имат възможност в 4 часа да посетят два модула, свързани с креативност, съдържание за уеб, създаване на сайтове с WordPress и развитие на логическото мислене.

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WordCamp Sofia 2017 speakers: Introducing Mitko Kockovski

Meet Mitko who started working with WordPress in 2010. He is a Codeable expert and founder of WooDoo.agency. He loves creating unusual websites, especially with WooCommerce.

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WordCamp Sofia 2017 speakers: Introducing Emir Kurtovic

Presenting you Emir – an experienced software developer who is currently exploring the way of rapid/agile/lean development. He is also into UI/UX graphic design, online marketing, SEO, ROI and basic accounting, and putting them all together. He’s been a Toptal software architect since 2014.

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WordCamp Sofia 2017 speakers: Introducing Jordan Hlebarov

Say hi to Jordan Hlebarov a.k.a. JD who is an entrepreneur and a mountain biker. He has been working on developing different types of websites in the last 15 years, and during the last 12 – exclusively with WordPress. He loves to roam through various plug-ins and themes to make his clients’ lives easier.

Jordan spoke at WordCamp Varna this year, so he is all warmed up for WordCamp Sofia in November!

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WordCamp Sofia 2017 speakers: Introducing Brecht Ryckaert

Meet Brecht – a WordPress enthusiast, IT-engineer, speaker and author. He’s lucky to have an amazing girlfriend and a wonderful daughter and he loves his whisky from time to time. Brecht published his first book in 2014 on the topic of WordPress security, titled „WordPress Security 101 – How to secure your WordPress site against hackers“ and he’s currently working on a second one.

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WordCamp Sofia 2017 speakers: Introducing Gero Nikolov

Presenting you Gero – a very positive person who loves to solve problems. Gero started his career as a developer at DevriX and now he’s working on his own WordPress ideas. This will be Gero’s first talk at WordCamp Sofia and we’ll hear his thoughts on the topic of burnout.

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WordCamp Sofia 2017 speakers: Introducing Diana Ivanova

Hear, hear to our next speaker Diana Ivanova who will get out of her comfort zone and will get on stage for the first time ever at WordCamp Sofia 2017!  She is a young tech enthusiast, who is passionate about WordPress, web design, development and digital marketing.

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