Спонсори | Sponsors
Искрено благодарим на страхотните ни спонсори!
A big THANK YOU to our amazing sponsors!

At Automattic, we are passionate about making the web a better place.
We are the people behind WordPress.com, WooCommerce, Jetpack, WordPress VIP, Simplenote, Longreads, WPScan, Akismet, Gravatar, Crowdsignal, Cloudup, Tumblr, Day One, Pocket Casts, and more. We believe in making the web a better place.
We’re a distributed company with 2,007 Automatticians in 97 countries speaking 123 different languages. We’re committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and our common goal is to democratize publishing and commerce so that anyone with a story can tell it, and anyone with a product can sell it, regardless of income, gender, politics, language, or where they live in the world.
We believe in Open Source and the vast majority of our work is available under the GPL.
We strive to live by the Automattic Creed.
Automattic is a Most Loved Company and Disability Confident Committed. (Here’s what that might mean for you.) Come work with us.

Bluehost has been a WordPress partner since 2005, and powers over 2 million websites across the world with reliable hosting and personalized guidance. By leveraging the power of WordPress, Bluehost provides the fast website creation methods coupled with intuitive management tools. From secure automated WordPress installations to advanced marketing tools and services, and access to specialized WordPress experts, Bluehost is the best place to build, grow, and scale an online presence.

Weglot is a WordPress multilingual plugin to translate and display your website in multiple languages. It provides a fast first layer of automated translation which you can easily edit yourself or by adding teammates, or collaborate with pro-translators through the Weglot dashboard. Trusted by more than 60,000 website owners and developers and with a 5-star rating on the WordPress directory (1000+ reviews) – you can have a multilingual website up and running in minutes. Key benefits include:
- Simple and quick set-up
- Multilingual SEO best practices (translated URLs & metadata)
- Compatibility with any Themes and Plugins (incl. WooCommerce)
- Automatic and human translations
- A unique dashboard with an ‘in context editor’, easily edit translations & invite teammates to collaborate on projects
- Expert support: a fully dedicated technical support team at your disposal

At GoDaddy, our mission is to empower a worldwide community of entrepreneurs by giving them all the help and tools they need to grow online — including a simpler, safer WordPress experience.
We champion our Makers of the Web by delivering a suite of WordPress solutions that enable fast and easy setup and then enables users to harness all the power of the world’s most popular CMS.
The GoDaddy Pro Community was built by and for website designers and developers. Whether you’re new to web design or growing your existing business, you’ll find free tools, products, education, and expert support to help you more efficiently create and maintain beautiful sites — and wow clients.
We provide a Managed WordPress experience that is as easy as it is effective. The latest version of WordPress comes pre-installed with exclusive themes, plugins, and tools to get you up and running quickly, with automated backups, updates, and malware removal so our Pros can spend less time on monotonous maintenance, and more time building their businesses.
GoDaddy Pro works tirelessly to foster an active, nurturing community, with initiatives including the sponsorship of WordCamps globally, weekly GoDaddy Pro Meetups for the U.S. and EMEA time zones, our free GoDaddy Pro Academy courses, and our GoDaddy Pro Discussions Group. We’re proud to be a partner of the WordPress community and look forward to witnessing all the individual greatness that our efforts help support.
• Company description for meetup.com, no more than 72 characters.( See example here)
Everything you need for your WordPress-powered projects.
• Any resources (e.g., hackathons, training workshops, etc.) that you may want to provide for the dedicated page in the organizer handbook
Helping Pros start and grow their WordPress-powered businesses through education and connection. Design, develop, deliver.
- Get Inspired:
See how others are using WordPress plugins, themes, and more in their own freelance web-building businesses. Web Designer & Developer Pro Tips and Success Stories - Learn and Connect:
Attend our GoDaddy Pro Meetups, learn and share with your peers in the Pro Discussion Group, and learn how to build and manage your freelance business with our Free Pro Academy courses. - Streamline and Grow:
Utilize the free Pro Hub suite of tools to manage your clients and their sites, enabling and streamlining your website care package offerings.

WooCommerce is the most customizable eCommerce platform to build exactly the store you want. From physical products to digital downloads, services, and subscriptions, sell worldwide with the freedom of WordPress. WooCommerce is developed and supported by a distributed team at Automattic, creators of Jetpack and WordPress.com. For more go to WooCommerce.com.
- 5+ million active installations
- 84+ million downloads
- Options for new, growing, and enterprise-level stores
- 450+ official extensions to add features and functionality
Златен Спонсор

СуперХостинг.БГ се утвърди като най-предпочитаната и бързо развиваща се хостинг компания в България. Високото качество на услугите, отношението, което клиентите получават, и сигурността на клиентските сайтове ги правят най-предпочитаният хостинг партньор у нас вече почти 18 години.
Портфолиото им включва пълната гама хостинг услуги: Техническа поддръжка от най-високо ниво; Споделен хостинг; WordPress хостинг; Регистрация на домейни в над 350 области (TLD); Управляеми виртуални сървъри (Managed VPS); Виртуални сървъри (VPS); Наети (dedicated) сървъри; SSL сертификати; SaaS за изграждане онлайн магазини и сайтове.
Знаят, че изборът на стратегически хостинг партньор е от основно значение за бизнеса и развитието му. Затова се стремят да дават на своите клиенти повече, отколкото те заплащат. Разработените безплатни инструменти в услугите (като WordPress Manager), сигурността и бързодействието са приоритет номер едно, за да могат клиентите да се фокусират върху развитието на проектите си. СуперХостинг.БГ предлага завършено хостинг решение, с което лесно можете да дигитализирате вашите проекти.
Сребърен Спонсор

Jump.BG се утвърди на пазара с премиум хостинг услуги на изключително конкурентни цени. Компанията е българска, с над десетилетна история и активно допринася за създаването на по-добра бизнес среда в страната ни, като плаща данъците си в България, дава възможност за професионално израстване на местни експерти и подава ръка на онлайн бизнеса в страната – от прохождащи стартъпи до големи онлайн проекти. Компанията е член на Българската Е-комерс асоциация (БЕА) и на BESCO – Българската предприемаческа асоциация.
Визията на компанията е да бъде доверен хостинг партньор, а не просто доставчик на хостинг услуги. С дългогодишния си опит и изключителна експертиза, екипът на Джъмп.БГ подава ръка на всеки, който има дързостта да стартира онлайн проект.

SiteGround hosting is your ticket to a high-performance website that’s easy to manage. Our sophisticated hosting solutions are crafted for personal websites, online businesses, web development agencies, and enterprise projects. Our hosting comes with WordPress-specific features customers love and smart development tools that help agencies scale their businesses. Getting started, migrating a site, optimizing web performance, and managing a WordPress development business has never been easier, thanks to our in-house tools designed for busy WordPress webmasters.
Since 2004, we empower people to build better, faster, and safer websites by managing the hosting for them. Our mission to power awesome websites is why SiteGround is actively involved in the WordPress community and WordCamps at a global scale. We’re proud to sponsor WordCamp Sofia and support the local community.
Бронзов Спонсор

DerviX is among the Top 20 WordPress development agencies in the world, with over 10 WordPress core contributors supporting the development of the platform, hundreds of developed plugins, 9 SaaS products, and a number of completed projects with clients and employees from 5 different continents.
The company works on enterprise projects with over 200M monthly traffic, technology startups, eCommerce businesses, and others. And unlike traditional companies that use WordPress only as a platform for building sites, Team DevriX is diligently developing projects with REST APIs, headless web applications, multiple integrations with CRM/ERPs and .NET/Python® Java platforms running in parallel.
Come and chat with us at WordCamp Sofia 2023! Looking forward to meeting you at our booth!
Кафе Спонсор

DerviX is among the Top 20 WordPress development agencies in the world, with over 10 WordPress core contributors supporting the development of the platform, hundreds of developed plugins, 9 SaaS products, and a number of completed projects with clients and employees from 5 different continents.
The company works on enterprise projects with over 200M monthly traffic, technology startups, eCommerce businesses, and others. And unlike traditional companies that use WordPress only as a platform for building sites, Team DevriX is diligently developing projects with REST APIs, headless web applications, multiple integrations with CRM/ERPs and .NET/Python® Java platforms running in parallel.
Come and chat with us at WordCamp Sofia 2023! Looking forward to meeting you at our booth!
Contributor Day Спонсор

SiteGround hosting is your ticket to a high-performance website that’s easy to manage. Our sophisticated hosting solutions are crafted for personal websites, online businesses, web development agencies, and enterprise projects. Our hosting comes with WordPress-specific features customers love and smart development tools that help agencies scale their businesses. Getting started, migrating a site, optimizing web performance, and managing a WordPress development business has never been easier, thanks to our in-house tools designed for busy WordPress webmasters.
Since 2004, we empower people to build better, faster, and safer websites by managing the hosting for them. Our mission to power awesome websites is why SiteGround is actively involved in the WordPress community and WordCamps at a global scale. We’re proud to sponsor WordCamp Sofia and support the local community.
Спонзор за Връзки
Vipe Studio

Vipe Studio е WordPress агенция, призната като водещ лидер в изработката и поддръжката на WordPress-базирани решения както за малки и средни, така и за мащабни бизнеси от ниво enterprise.
От 2016г. насам студиото имплементира най-новите утвърдени в световен мащаб и WordPress общността методики, решения и интеграции, осигурявайки на своите клиенти стабилност, сигурност и високо ниво на изпълнение. Една от основните цели на Vipe Studio е предлагането на персонализирани уеб разработки чрез custom development, а сред плеядата от имплементации откриваме още Headless решения, чрез технологии като React, Next и Node.
Лидерът на Vipe Studio Иван Попов е добре познато и утвърдено име в WordPress общността. Той, както и екипът му, високо ценят личния контакт с клиентите и всеки проект, присъединяващ се към портфолиото на агенцията, е взаимен процес на обсъждане, персонализиран подход и намиране на най-добрите бизнес и уеб решения.
Vipe Studio активно участва в развитието на WordPress общността, непрестанно следейки тенденциите и включвайки се в организирането и подкрепата на множество инициативи, конференции и уебинари. Целта на екипа е изграждането на дългосрочни партньорски взаимоотношения с клиентите, основаващи се на взаимно доверие и споделена любов към света на технологиите и WordPress.
- Website: https://vipestudio.com/
- Twitter: @Vipe_Studio
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vipe-studio-ltd/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vipestudio.web/
Interested in sponsoring WordCamp this year?
Check out our Call for Sponsors post for details on how you can help make this year’s WordCamp the best it can be!