EN: ChatGPT for the WordPress community – a friend or a foe?

EN: ChatGPT for the WordPress community – a friend or a foe?

AI models are taking the world like a storm. ChatGPT, the AI model by Open AI recently became the fastest growing app in the world, its user base went well over 100,000,000 users in January 2023. While corporations were planning to invest billions in Open AI, Google announced in February 2023 the release of its own language model, Bard. Even though AI still has a lot of way to go, it has an amazing potential and can be of invaluable help for website owners. At the same time, many people fear AI and expect that it might eventually replace people and make certain professions redundant. We will have a look at how site owners can benefit from AI (SEO, copyright, translation, development, design, etc.) and also explore the „dark side of AI“ – the supposed dangers and threats that may come with it.
